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How to Purchase Hotel Disposables?

Dec. 03, 2020

Hotel disposables mainly include the following products: toothbrushes, combs, razors, soaps, shower caps, shampoos, shower gel, shoe polish, sewing kits, coasters, lids, disinfection seals, garbage bags, label pens, soft drawers, etc. Selecting a quality supplier presupposes that you use a certain judgment technique. Selecting a quality supplier and using certain judgment skills is the only way to purchase high-quality products.

The use of hotel disposables is very large, almost every group of guests in the hotel need to use it, in order to ensure that guests can enjoy the satisfaction of the service, in the hotel disposables, will be more careful in the choice and provision of disposables. So how do hotels purchase disposable toiletries, and how do they store and protect them after purchase?

Tips for Buying Disposables for Hotels

In the use of disposable hotel supplies, hotel disposable shower supplies accounted for a relatively large proportion.  Currently, on the market a wide variety of hotel shower supplies, a variety of hose packed, bottled, bagged, soap dispenser loaded shampoo, shower gel, their quality is also uneven. Therefore, hotels must be careful when choosing. When choosing a body wash, hotels should choose according to their star rating, but also need to consider the level of water consumption.

Disposable toothbrushes are usually used only 2-3 times, and if the bristles are not of good quality or the abrasion rate is not high enough, it will cause damage to the mouth. Therefore, hotel toothbrushes should never be of lower quality than daily toothbrushes. Our hotels try to purchase hotel disposables with brushed toothbrushes.


Storage of Hotel Disposables

Generally, hotel disposables are purchased based on short-term inventory forecasting, usually within one or two months, so as not to cause deterioration and expiration of some hard-to-store items.

In the South, mildew prevention measures need to be taken when storing hotel disposables. Attention should also be paid to the way disposables are stocked in guest rooms. In addition, you also need to choose according to the hotel's off-peak season, off-season items to purchase less, peak season in advance to purchase stock.

Based on the previous month's usage and the current month's bookings, the number of disposable items to be purchased for the current month is based on a cycle of one month or two months, not to exceed three months. Short-term inventory forecasting has the advantage of reducing inventory, making liquidity more flexible, and avoiding the deterioration and expiration of some hard-to-store items.

The quantity of some perishable items is controlled during purchasing to reduce the rate of loss. In the off-season and peak season, the purchase of disposable items should be differentiated according to the time of the year, and fewer items should be purchased in the off-season, while fewer items should be purchased and stocked in advance in the peak season. This will allow the financial free part of the liquidity for other uses, and in peak season there will not be goods not in place, the price soared phenomenon.

The secondary warehouse in the guest room department should be kept in a dry place. In June, there was moldy soap and damp matches that could not be used.